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Sarah Butler Presented at the SCDTAA Diversity & Inclusion Seminar in Columbia, SC – February 20, 2020

Sarah Butler co-presented at the South Carolina Defense Trial Attorneys’ Association’s Diversity and Inclusion Seminar on Thursday, February 20, 2020 in Columbia, SC.  This seminar gave attendees the opportunity to speak openly about diversity, equality, acceptance and inclusion in the legal profession.  Sarah’s presentation, So, Now What? A Candid Look at the Progress of Women in the Practice of Law, focused on the obstacles women lawyers face in their occupation, namely sexism and discrimination.  They discussed how the passage of time, political climate and the Me-Too Movement has impacted women in law.  Sarah is a member of Copeland Stair’s Diversity Committee and President-Elect of the SCDTAA.

For more information about this seminar or the SCDTAA, please click here.