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Ob-Gyn Dismissed from Case Without Payment
Partners Gary Lovell and Lee Weatherly secured a dismissal with prejudice for their client, an Ob-Gyn, in a York, South Carolina medical malpractice case. The Plaintiffs were a mother and her child who was born premature at 25 weeks and suffers from several developmental delays. Plaintiffs claimed that when the mother presented to the emergency room, Gary and Lee’s Ob-Gyn client, who was on call, breached the standard of care by failing to come to the emergency room and examine the mother for reported vaginal discharge. Plaintiffs claimed that if the doctor had come to the ER after speaking with the labor and delivery nurse on the telephone about the patient, he would have hospitalized the mother and undertaken treatment to delay the delivery of the child. The Plaintiff also claimed that the mother should have been treated with antibiotics before birth. After aggressively establishing a solid defense for the Ob-Gyn, Plaintiff agreed to dismiss him from the case, with prejudice, without payment. For more information on the case, contact Lee at or Gary at