Automobile Liability

Automobile Liability Chair(s)
Automobile Liability Group Co-Chair

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Automobile Liability

General liability and automobile liability defense have been a hallmark of Copeland, Stair, Valz & Lovell for over four decades. These are practice areas our Firm was founded on and continue to be fundamental today. Our attorneys have defended insureds of various clients in general liability and automobile accident cases throughout the Southeast.

We handle all types of accidents no matter how involved or how simple they may be. Our attorneys are skilled in the areas of federal and state case statutory and regulatory law pertaining to general liability issues, automobile insurance and the defense of automobile insureds. Copeland, Stair, Valz & Lovell attorneys are an indispensable and unique resource for clients who need practical guidance in navigating the complex landscape of general liability and automobile insurance coverage law and the defense of insureds in automobile and general liability cases.